We love cards and board games, but when our crew gets together, there are just too many of us for most board games, which often only allow 6 players. Before the holidays this year, I went on a search for some games we could play when there are 9, 10, or 15 of us.
Partners In Pen
Items Needed: A bag full of random objects, a paper, a pen and a bunch of friends.
Take the tablet and pen out of the bag. Add random objects from around the house to the bag—you’ll want 2-3 items per a team.
Hand one of the partners the tablet and a pen and hand the bag full of random objects to the other partner.
Now ask the player with the bag to describe 2-3 objects, one at a time, without naming them or telling what is it used for while the other partner tries to draw the object.
Then flip to a new page in the tablet, pass the bag and tablet to the next team, and repeat., with them choosing different items from the bag.
Likes & Dislikes
Items Needed: Index Cards, Pens
Ask everyone to write down 5 of their likes and 5 of their dislikes on index cards. Help the younger ones by writing for them.
At mealtime when everyone is gathered together, read the cards one at a time and have everyone try to guess which relative the information belongs to.
React and Act
Pass out sheets of paper and pens to the players. Have each person write an event. Tell them to be creative! Examples of events can include:
- Being surprised by a large, aggressive bear in the woods
- You just won the lottery
- You have just been proposed for marriage with an engagement ring
- You just got fired by an incompetent boss
- Making the game winning pass to win the Superbowl
- You just fell in love
Once everyone writes an event, fold the paper once and place it into the bag. Divide the group into two teams.
Ask one person on each team to randomly select an event from the bag. Instruct them to react to this event, without explicitly giving away what the event is. Choose a time limit (usually 30 seconds to a minute works well) and when you say “Go!”, have all five people to simultaneously react to their event using exaggerated gestures, facial expressions, and their voice.
For example, the person who has just won the lottery could raise his or her arms and scream excitedly, jumping up and down. The person who has just confronted a bear might make a terrified look, shake in fear, and call for help. And so on. Each of the five actors can interact with each other, but they must stay “in character” and continue reacting and acting based upon what their sheet said.
Saran Wrap Candy Ball Game
Items needed - Saran wrap, tape, candy, two dice.
This is one we've played here, and it was a lot of fun! It's really great for large groups of teens. I found the game on
this site, when looking for an activity for all of the cousins to play one Christmas.
She specifies not to use plain saran wrap, but that's what I had, so that is what I used, and it worked great.
The game is simple. Before hand, wrap candy in saran wrap, one piece at a time, making one large ball with layers of candy in saran wrap.
Have everyone sit in a large circle on the floor. give the first person the ball of candy, and the person to their left two dice. When you say "go", the person with the ball tries to unwrap as much of it as possible, while the person with the dice rolls until they get doubles. As soon as they get doubles, the ball moves to them, and the dice to their left, and you repeat around the circle. You must stop unwrapping as soon as doubles are rolled.
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